About Me

My name is Amy Towe and I am a Kindergarten teacher in North Georgia and I create teaching resources for The Froggy Factory. I have been teaching for 20 years. I spent 8 years in Kindergarten, 1 year in first grade, and the last 11 years in third grade. I love teaching! I have just moved back to Kindergarten and I'm excited to be teaching the littles again. My favorite subjects to teach are Reading, Social Studies, and Math. I have a Bachelor's Degree from Lee University in Education and a Master's Degree in Reading and Literacy from Walden University. 

I have been married for 20 years to my wonderful husband Chris. We have 2 daughters Megan who is 16 and Abby who is 13. My daughters love sports and I spend most of my time outside of the classroom as their greatest fan. We have a cat named Daisy who is 17 years old. I was raised as a "military brat" in the Air Force, which my father served in for 26 years. My favorite memories growing up are of our time spent stationed in England while I was in high school.
I am excited about this new adventure in blogging. Hopefully I can use my experiences and past mistakes to bring you helpful tips for your classroom. Hopefully you will find helpful information and resources on this blog to help you reach your students and make your teaching life easier.

I would love to connect with you. You can email me at: amytowe@thefroggyfactory.com. You can also sign up for my newsletter for educational tips, freebies, giveaways, and updates on sales. Subscribe HERE.

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